Wall Art: Give Your Living Room a Creative Finishing Touch

The final touch of every room is the wall art. It gives the room a soul and makes it more home-like. Sometimes, all you need is just one wall print or painting, to transform the room into a warm, inviting home. If you’re searching for some wall art for your living room, you need to be especially attentive. This is the art you’ll look at frequently, meaning, you’ll need to choose something pleasant and something you’ll like for a longer time. Living room wall art prints can range from pleasant pastel nature landscapes to black-and-white contemporary art of still nature.

What you’re choosing depends mainly on your choice, but you should consider the following things.

Consider Your Art Style

source: theprintemporium.com.au

When it comes to selecting wall art, the art style should be your first consideration. Some people love traditional oil paintings with ornate gold frames, while others prefer a more minimalist approach with clean lines. Whether you’re drawn to landscapes, portraits, or abstract art, the wall art should reflect your personality and taste. It should seamlessly blend with the overall decor of your home, including furniture, fixtures, carpets, and wall colour.

Remember, this piece of art will be something you see every day, so it shouldn’t only be visually pleasing but also inspiring. For example, if you like nature, opt for a wall art print featuring landscapes (beaches, lakes, oceans, forests). Nature-themed images are always a safe bet and can complement any room, whether it’s a bedroom, kitchen, hallway, or living room. If you prefer a sleek and timeless look, go for geometric art that can withstand changing trends and still appear fresh even after several years.

Where to Hang Your Art?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to limit yourself to just hanging wall art on walls. You can get creative and place your prints or paintings on shelves, the floor, or even on top of your couch. As long as they’re balanced, any surface will do.

Living Room

Naturally, living room wall art prints are meant for the living room. If you decide to hang your art, make sure it’s on a wall that grabs attention as soon as you enter the room. This could be the wall behind your sofa or bed, or even above the fireplace.
In case you don’t like hanging your art (some people dislike damaging their walls, or can’t do that in case they rent a place), you can just place your living room art on shelves, on top of the fireplace (on the mantle piece), on the floor near the furniture, but not in places with heavy traffic.

Remember, it’s crucial to give your art enough light, whether it’s natural or from fixtures, so it can truly shine. Depending on the size of your art, you can create a stunning gallery wall or opt for one or two large pieces that make a bold statement on their own.

Don’t Forget the Focal Point

The main attraction in your living room is the first thing that grabs your attention as soon as you enter. If it’s the sofa where everyone gathers, then a big abstract wall art piece above it can spark interesting conversations. However, if the fireplace is the focal point, it’s best to hang something simple and minimalistic to avoid taking away from its charm. And if it’s your super cozy rug that steals the show, make sure to select wall art that complements the style and colours.

Select a Theme

When choosing wall art, it’s important to consider a theme. For example, if you already have nature-themed art, choose prints or paintings on the same theme. Also, you can follow the colour theme of the room. If your living room has white, grey, and green as its main colours, sticking to black-and-white art or art with gentle pastel colours would be a good choice. For homes with a vintage or traditional style, landscapes, portraits, or still-life art would match best. While contemporary art is an option, it’s important to ensure that it doesn’t stand out awkwardly in the space.

Living rooms are quite welcoming for various themes. For example, you can easily choose bolder prints (on the other hand bedrooms require calmer art and colours). You can place a mix of contemporary art, black-white photographs and landscape prints in the living room.

Consider Frames

source: theprintemporium.com.au

Frames are like the finishing touch for art prints and paintings. They have the power to enhance the overall style of the room. If you’re into traditional oil paintings, go for those fancy, ornate frames (of course this will be a great match for a vintage, classic, royal-looking room). On the other hand, if you’re all about modern and contemporary living, keep it simple with sleek frames in black, silver, or white.

Size and Symmetry

The size and symmetry of your wall art play a crucial role as they determine where you’ll hang it and whether it’ll catch attention or go unnoticed.
If you’re a fan of large art prints, go for a bigger piece and hang it above the main sitting area or above the dining table. This way, it’ll grab everyone’s attention as soon as they enter the room.

But don’t underestimate the power of small pieces. They can create a stunning focal point on a wall. You can either create a gallery wall with multiple pieces or opt for one larger piece at the centre surrounded by smaller ones. Symmetry adds depth to the room, especially if the art shares similar colours. Choose black and white prints for a classic touch or go for a vibrant gallery that complements the room’s color palette. Vibrant colours can beautifully enhance minimalist rooms with just one or two colours.

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