How to Choose the Perfect Wall Art for Your Home

Hanging art in your house is a great way to express your personality while filling up vast, blank swaths across your walls. Even a new apartment can become a familiar and comfy residence with each new artwork you hang on the vacant walls. Whether it’s an affordable canvas print or a high-end limited-edition work, art has the power to convert drab walls into dwellings that elicit emotions, bring comfort, and speak to our inner selves.

How Do I Choose Wall Art for My House?


What you decide to hang on your walls is entirely personal, so don’t hurry into it. Consider what draws you to a piece – is it the colour, the subject, or something else? Avoid relying on your instincts only since a brief impulsive purchase might be a costly error. View it again in an hour or the next day. If you still like it, go ahead and buy it since you already have a relationship with it.

Determining your style and considering the room you want wall art for are the best ways to choose paintings and prints to add instant colour and pizazz to your space.

Define Your Style

Home décor is a representation of ourselves; via furniture arrangement, wall art choices, and colour combinations, we create a space that we can call home. Home represents physical and emotional protection, comfort, ease, enjoyment, belonging, and identity.

You won’t feel at home if you can’t emotionally connect with the décor of your home. Furthermore, how we decorate our homes affects our personality and emotional condition – colours influence our mood and vitality. Textures and lighting may help us relax, while layout and artwork can help us inspire, soothe, and motivate ourselves.

Above all, if your home’s design corresponds to your tastes, it can evoke the sentiments of belonging that make a house our home.

As a result, avoid imitating someone else’s style! Determine your preferred style for decorating your home: is it Boho, Chic, Modern, Minimalist, Tribal, Whimsical, or something different? It’ll be easy to pick wall décor once you have determined your décor style.

Comfort vs. Energy

Before you choose your art, consider if you want your house to be informal or elegant. Do you want your house to be a place to unwind and rest, or do you want it to energise you for your next great adventure?

Warm tones and textures on wall art evoke thoughts of cosiness, whilst harsh hues, contrasts, and clean cutting will inspire productivity. Light and bright colours exude a carefree vibe, especially on unframed canvas. Framed prints with graphics with robust lines and structure in darker hues, on the other hand, will create a formal tone.

Colour vs. Monochrome


If you like a modern or minimalist appearance, try black-and-white wall art. If you favour tribal or boho-chic decor, unusual wall items in vibrant colours, forms, and textures will be more appropriate. If your house has a seaside feel, pick wall prints in soft pastels, shades of white, and even jewel tones to complement the beige and cream décor.


Metal and glass are materials linked with contemporary design. Wood and cloth, on the other hand, are more suited to rural, ranch, farmhouse, or seaside styles. A carbon fibre frame would appear out of place in a large farmhouse. If you truly appreciate a piece of art, but it’s not your style, consider altering the frame!

Which Room Is the Wall Art Intended For?

While your house may have a general design, wall art may help you emphasise the originality and purpose of each area. While shopping for wall art, finding the correct paintings and prints for the room is critical.



Our bedrooms are the most private areas of our houses. Bedrooms, more than any other area in the home, serve as a haven for us to unwind and sleep. As a result, select wall art that emphasises quiet and tranquillity. Landscapes, abstract paintings, sentimental artwork, heritage objects, and textured décor may all aid in the creation of a loving and relaxing environment.

You can select wall art that has personal importance for you. Frame a painting given to you by your spouse, display artwork from your favourite getaway, or hang a tapestry passed down through generations. Most individuals have a deep emotional attachment to their bedroom, so select wall art that speaks to your heart and makes you feel at ease!

Shared Spaces

The most noticeable areas of your house are the shared spaces; here is where you show your guests your creativity, aesthetics, political position, beliefs, and style. Buy the 3D sculpture wall art, the large painting you saw at an art event, or the thought-provoking artwork by a local artist now.

Design your room around the art piece rather than the other way around so that the lovely (and, let’s face it, pricey) item takes centre stage. You may hang it above your main sofa, behind the dining table, or on the other side of your television or window. Interior designers recommend using vibrant colours, vivid designs, and striking art pieces to energise your living spaces.


The kitchen is the house’s beating heart! The mood of your kitchen is essential whether you are planning food for the week, making Sunday dinners for your family, or preparing to host a dinner party.

First and foremost, select kitchen wall art that does not interfere with kitchen functionality. Avoid large glass mirrors, paintings, and frames with complex carvings that’ll rust in a matter of days. Select artwork that is simple to clean!

Second, select artwork that complements your culinary style. Do you enjoy Mediterranean cuisine? Olive and lemon wall frames will establish the tone. Do you wish to emphasise your South Asian ancestry? Warm-coloured tiles and images of spices and fruits will do the work.



Washrooms are no longer tiny utilitarian areas devoid of charm. Whether you’re soaking in the tub after a long day at work or taking a shower first thing in the morning, the bathroom is the place to relax.

In your bathroom, you may utilise wall art that is too small (or weird) for the rest of the house. You may also play around with other designs and layouts. You don’t know how a hexagonal abstract artwork would appear in the hallway or are unsure about an unusual oil painting you purchased on a whim from a thrift store. Try it in the restroom!

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